Thursday, August 10, 2006

Muesli Man

Doing a nightcall is tough, and therefore there must be adequate equipment to ensure you survive the night with minimal fuss and maximum sleep.

The essentials of a night call include:

Your name tag and stamp. You will really want to be identifiable as the on-call and not some doctor who has decided to stay back late. You will also be asked to make several entries during the night on how patient refused blood taking or medicines.

Your handphone will not stop ringing, so make sure you have a full charge before you start. Have a piece of paper to write all the cases and passives now. Prepare two pieces if you are feeling unlucky. Have at least 2 pens because looking for a pen in the middle of the night is really frustrating.

You will need your stethoscope, no doubt. A watch is useful. And I always carry my little life-saving pouch.

It's life-saving because it contains coins which I will need to buy drinks from the vending machine at 2am to quench my parched lips. It has money for me to grab my dinner. It also has the important 'gerald tan' drug lists. A torch should be carried around because looking for one wastes precious sleep time. And I always carry butterfly needles bacause it can mean half hour of venepuncture on a patient or 3 minutes, thus ensuring you get 27 minutes of sleep.

And most importantly, you need food.

I always carry muesli bars around, you don't see it here because I've finished them. A happy doctor is a well fed one.


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