Monday, April 09, 2007


Go do your changes.

That's the term we use for the work that is ordered during the morning rounds.
It's encompasses a wide area of stuff, from:
  1. taking blood
  2. getting scans
  3. doing discharge summaries
  4. referrals and reviews
  5. updating family
  6. off drains, lines
  7. inserting lines
  8. summarising old notes
  9. retaking history

And I'm sure the list goes on and on.

But whatever the changes are, we just have to do it.

At the start, I used to wonder why some of the changes are ordered. And also their significance in the management of the patient.

But somewhere, somehow, along the way, I've stopped wondering.

Because sometimes changes are ordered too arbitary.

"We haven't done bloods for a week, let's repeat them."

"Go get this scan urgent. I want it by today."

"Refer this patient urgently for left little toe itch."

It doesn't matter what the changes are, we just have to do them.

It doesn't matter how useful they are, we just have to do them.

It's too routine, we don't have to think.

Just do them


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