Friday, October 07, 2005

The irony of beauty

I was on the hospital-bound train this morning during peak hours. As usual, I was relegated to standing by the metal pole due to the high human traffic.

At the Serangoon stop, a elderly lady hobbled into the carriage. She looked left and right for any empty seats but found none and was also relegated to standing by the pole with me.

I was flabbergasted that no one offered to give up their seats. But then I realised that I was in Singapore and suddenly it seem normal. (note the sarcasm) I was even more hyper-flabbergasted when I saw that the 2 seats nearest to the elderly lady was occupied by 2 young to middle-aged ladies applying make-up.

As they furiously applied powder and eye shadows to their faces, they seem oblivious to their surroundings.

It's ironic that as they tried (in vain) to look as beautiful as they can on the outside, their inner ugliness was made all the more obvious.

Finally it took a lady sitting almost 1 door away to give up her seat. A heart of gold she had. Too bad we don't see much of them around Singapore.


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