I did speedwork today:2 x 400m
3 x 200m
4 x 100m
2 x 400m
God, my quads hurt. And I think I've strained my left achilles.
Ranson's Indices (predicts severity of pancreatitis)
(1) Age >55
(2) WBC > 16,000
(3) HCT >10%
(4) Glucose (increased)
(5) LDH (increased)
(6) AST (increased)
(6) BUN (increased)
(7) serum Ca2+ (decreased)
(8) PaO2 (decreased)
Child's classification (severity of liver failure)
An easy way to memorise is to note the 2 serum indices: albumin and bilirubin.
A: both serum bil and alb are normal.
C: both serum bil (>3mg/dl) and alb(<30g/l) are abnormal
B: somewhere in between the 2 extremes
Last index for Child's is ascites / encephalopathy. Presence of them increases Child's grade.
Will lawmakers raise shields to protect bloggers?
There's a knock at the door and suddenly you've been subpoenaed. A judge wants the notes that led to the latest posting on your blog.
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