Thursday, September 14, 2006


Phone rings while Dr is trying to set a plug...

~fumbles in pocket for phone~

Dr: Hello?

SN: Dr Lioew?

~sighs in exasperation~

Dr: Yes?

SN: The patient needs an ultrasound, someone wrote here that the radiologist has agreed to do the ultrasound.

Dr: The ultrasound report is on the file, I put it there myself.

SN: Oh, you put the report... The patient went for ultrasound already. Ahh... okay okay.

Dr: Humph...

~hangs up phone~

If anybody was puzzled by the above conversation, it's understandable.

Working with SN who doesn't know what's happening to the patients can be extremely tiring and frustrating even.

And I've been getting a multitude of calls like that for the past 2 weeks.

Oh my gawd!


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