Tuesday, March 27, 2007

Blue skies

Work has barely started and I already miss the sunny skies.

Saturday, March 24, 2007

If I wasn't working...

  1. Waking up after the sun rises.
  2. Having a Mac's big breakfast, just before it stops selling them.
  3. Spending the whole day just lounging.
  4. Running in the hot noon sun.
  5. Watching drama serials the whole day.
  6. Cleaning up my room.
  7. Just pondering about life.
  8. Making a gift for my love.
  9. Eating non-stop and worrying about putting on more weight.
  10. Climbing the whole day.
  11. Catching up with old friends.
  12. Exploring the island.

Tuesday, March 20, 2007


Finding peace.

The ones at our side

I have a bad temper.

Those who know me may know it, or even experienced it.

When I'm in a bad mood, and I don't feel like talking to anyone; I shut everyone out.


I take my family for granted, not realising that they are the ones behind me, besides me, when I need them most.

I lose my temper for no reason, often I just want to be alone.

Maybe it's just my lonesome personality; maybe I just want to keep my troubles to myself.

But whatever it is. I realise I should not take them for granted.

I should appreciate them, because if I don't; I'll live to regret it.

Monday, March 19, 2007

Helping out

Vacuumed the floor today. Realised how long it has been since I last did chores. Ever since HOship started, I've been so tired after work to even help out at home. My parents have been tirelessly keeping the household going and clean. Thank you mom and dad.

What are we struggling for?

Like mice we run in this maze of life.

Trying to earn our keep and a lifestyle we yearn for.

We spend our whole lives doing this, hour in hour out.

But what do we really yearn for?

What makes us happy?

What is happiness?

Does this road that we are running on lead to happiness?

Are we sure? Or are we hoping it does?

Because if it doesn't, then we would have been running for nothing.

Because life doesn't repeat itself.

Sunday, March 18, 2007

Leave me alone

Sometimes we all need some time alone.

Sunday, March 11, 2007

Passive HO

The 'passive' passive HO:
1) Phlebotomist
2) Paracetamol prescriber
3) Cleans up other people's mess

The 'active' passive HO:
1) Ensures patients get the necessary treatment and medications
2) Provides prompt emergency assessment and treatment
3) Gives continuity of care over the night

Saturday, March 10, 2007


There are times when I feel helpless.

When faced with a task that I cannot do, no matter how hard I try.

Sometimes we all need a little help, but we may not know where to find help.

And asking for help just seems so difficult.

But whatever it is, just think of the patients.

First do no harm.

Friday, March 02, 2007


Thursday, March 01, 2007


Con: So Dr Leow, when are you all changing over?

Leow: on the 5th, Monday sir.

Con: You know you are welcome to stay on if you like.

Leow: ... ... Erm, Thank you sir.

Didn't know if it sounded like a compliment but I think I'll take it as one. Anything to make my day a happier one is good.