Thursday, August 11, 2005


I've been jogging for 3 years. I started in year 2 med sch for health reasons. At that time, after being disrupted from army, I rejoiced in the decadent lifestyle of eating and sleeping as and when I wanted. Weight gain was inevitable, especially since I think I am quite endomorphic.

Jogging presented a cheap, accessible and easy to pick-up way to lose the flab. I got addicted and things have gone on from there.

Now, 2 half marathons and several shorter races later, I have embraced jogging as my primary activity of keeping my cardiovascular fitness up.

Prior to this point, I was never a believer of hydration during a run. Let me clarify that point. I never saw the need for me to hydrate myself during my training runs. Of course I would drink during marathons and long distance races. I couldn't possibly last 3 hours without replenishing the water I lost through sweat, respiration and other sources. But I've never saw the need to drink during my training runs that last about an hour. I believed that one can always drink AFTER the run. Besides drinking during runs may bring on stitches and also break the concentration.

But one fine day, I brought along my small 350ml evian water bottle for a run. I'm not sure why I did it. Maybe the weather was hot, or maybe I was feeling very thirsty that day. I took sips along the run and somehow the run seem much more comfortable than usual.

That did put the thought of drinking during runs in my head but I was still convinced I could run without hydrating, becasue the hassle of carrying a bottle in my hand is simply too much.

Then came the runs in the hot morning sun. I could feel myself melting, my energy sapping away rapidly. Is it because of the dehydration? I took along a water bottle the next time, and the run had seem easier.

Okay, so intermittent hydration may prolong my energy levels but carrying a water bottle will simply waste more energy unless I'm wearing it.

So here comes this beauty.

Looks good, doesn't it? I hope this doesn't bounce around like those horrible waist pouches. From the picture it seems like a snug fit. It's also less restraining on the upper body, unlike the camel hydration packs. I still remember that I used it once for a run and the rough seams ruined my adidas singlet.

Haven't seen this hydration packs around. Maybe I should search the Nike shops more thoroughly.

This may help me push my running to a new level or it may simply be another white elephant. Guess I won't know until I try it out.


At August 13, 2005 8:27 AM, Blogger The Lonely Runner said...

nice hydrapack u got there. i was like u. i never believe in drinking while doing my trg run. and i still do right now. heh. just want to build up my endurance. and still like u, i will whack as much drink during competitions. see u ard in the future run! keep on running!

At August 14, 2005 2:31 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hi WQ, I've got the exact same hydrapack. Bounces around too much for my comfort. I think it's more for rollerbladers and bikers. Looking to selling it away (only used it once). Can get at any Nike/Bird stores. Would recommend the Adidas one though. Small and nifty, with 4 tiny bottles. More suited for runners.


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